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2023-03-17 15:27  





[1]The gut microbiome promotes arsenic metabolism and alleviates the metabolic disorder for their mammal host under arsenic exposure. Chen L, Li C, Zhong  X, Lai C, Zhang B, Luo Y, Guo H, Liang K, Fang J, Zhu X, Zhang J, Guo L. Environ Int 171 (2023) 107660.

[2]The fecal arsenic excretion, tissue arsenic accumulation, and metabolomics analysis in sub-chronic arsenic-exposed mice after in situ arsenic-induced fecal microbiota transplantation. Luo Y, Wang J, Wang C, Wang D, Li C, Zhang B, Zhong X, Chen L, Li H, Su H, Zheng Q, Zhu D*, Tang H*, Guo L*. Sci Total Environ. 2023; 854:158583.

[3]Polluting characteristics, sources, cancer risk, and cellular toxicity of PAHs bound in atmospheric particulates sampled from an economic transformation demonstration area of Dongguan in the Pearl River Delta, China. Chen Y, Lai B, Wei Y, Ma Q, Liang H, Yang H, Ye R, Zeng M, Wang H, Wu Y, Liu X, Guo L*, Tang H*. Environ Res. 215 (2022) 114383.

[4]In situ analysis of variations of arsenicals, microbiome and transcriptome profiles along murine intestinal tract. Liu X#, Wang J#, Deng H, Zhong X, Li C, Luo Y, Chen L, Zhang B, Wang D, Huang Y, Zhang J*, Guo L*. J Hazard Mater. 2022; 427:127899.

[5] Application of zebrafish in the study of the gut microbiome. Zhong X, Li J, Lu F, Zhang J*, Guo L*. Anim Models Exp Med. 2022;00:1-14.

[6] Microbial diversity analyses of fertilized Thitarodes eggs and soil provide new clues about the occurrence of Chinese cordyceps. Hong Y#, Mai Z#, Li C, Zheng Q, Guo L*. Curr Microbiol. 2022; 79.

[7] Sub-chronic low-dose arsenic in rice exposure induces gut microbiome perturbations in mice. Chen F#, Luo Y#, Li C, Wang J, Chen L, Zhong X, Zhang B, Zhu Q, Zou R, Guo X, Zhou Y*, Guo L*. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021; 227:112934.

[8] Changes in metabolomics and lipidomics in brain tissue and their correlations with the gut  microbiome after chronic food-derived arsenic exposure in mice. Wang C#, Deng H#, Wang D, Wang J, Huang H, Qiu J, Li Y, Zou T*, Guo L*. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021; 228:112935.

[9] The mycobiome in murine intestine is more perturbed by food arsenic exposure than in excreted feces. Guo L, Dou X, Zou R, Guo X, Liu X*, Tang H*. Sci Total Environ. 2021; 753:141871.

[10] Bisphenol F promotes the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in macrophages by enhanced glycolysis through PI3K-AKT signaling pathway. Zhang W#, Li L#, Chen H, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Lin Z, Shi M, Zhang W, Li X, Tang Z, Liu Y, Guo L*, Shi M*. Toxicol lett. 2021; 350:30-39.

[11] Distribution of arsenic species and pathological characteristics of tissues of the mice fed with arsenic-supplemented food simulating rice. Shao J#, Li X#, Luo Y, Fang H, Lin F, Zhang G, Lu F, Guo L*, Sun Y*. J Toxicol Sci. 2021; 46:539-551.

[12] Levels of Pb, Ni, As, and Cd in habitat soils of Chinese Cordyceps in the Shergyla Mountain, Tibet. Liu Y, Xie J, Ma Q, Zhang G, Yu H, Guo L*. Toxicol Environ Chem. 2020; 543-555.

[13] Arsenic concentrations, diversity and co-occurrence patterns of bacterial and fungal communities in the feces of mice under sub-chronic arsenic exposure through food. Wang J, Hu W, Yang H, Chen F, Shu Y, Zhang G, Liu J, Liu Y, Li H*, Guo L*. Environ Int. 2020; 138:105600.

[14] Determination of arsenicals in mouse tissues after simulated exposure to arsenic from rice for sixteen weeks and the effects on histopathological features. Wang J#, Zhang G#, Lin Z, Luo Y, Fang H, Yang L, Xie J, Guo L*. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2020; 200:110742.

[15] Arsenic transfer along the soil-sclerotium-stroma chain in Chinese cordyceps and the related health risk assessment. Liu Y#, Shi M#, Liu X, Xie J, Yang R, Ma Q, Guo L*. PeerJ 2021; 9:e11023.

[16] Triphenyl phosphate permeates the blood brain barrier and induces neurotoxicity in mouse brain. Liu X, Zhao X, Wang Y, Hong J, Shi M, Pfaff D, Guo L*, Tang H*. Chemosphere 2020; 252:126470.

[17] Internal and External Microbial Community of the Thitarodes Moth, the Host of Ophiocordyceps sinensis. Liang Y#, Hong Y#, Mai Z#, Zhu Q, Guo L*. Microorganisms 2019; 7:517.

[18] Diversity and Co-Occurrence Patterns of Soil Bacterial and Fungal Communities of Chinese Cordyceps Habitats at Shergyla Mountain, Tibet: Implications for the Occurrence. Shao J#, Lai B#, Jiang W, Wang J, Hong Y, Chen F, Tan S, Guo L*. Microorganisms 2019; 7:284.



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